Whereas, Zimbabwe National Students Union is an organization led by youth, dedicated to advancing the interests of students throughout the country; and
Whereas, the Union provides a plethora of opportunities not only to its members but also to students who have been marginalized, female students, disabled students, and those who have been adversely affected by the authoritarian regime in Zimbabwe; and
Whereas, the Union acknowledges the fundamental right of every student to receive an education free from discrimination and oppression;
Now, therefore, let it be known that Zimbabwe National Students Union is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of all students, particularly those who have been historically marginalized and oppressed, to access educational opportunities and to achieve their full potential. The Union stands ready to challenge any policies or practices that undermine the fundamental rights of students, and will work tirelessly to create a more equitable and just society for all.
Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) acknowledges that every student, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the right to access higher education and pursue their academic and personal aspirations. ZINASU is committed to promoting equality, justice, and democracy in the education system and beyond, and recognizes that a diverse and inclusive student body is essential to creating a dynamic and vibrant learning environment.
ZINASU firmly believes that providing support to students at the tertiary level should not be restricted by stringent requirements or criteria. Thus, the Union is dedicated to creating a wide range of opportunities for all students enrolled in tertiary institutions where ZINASU operates. This includes supporting young student leaders with a democratic agenda, student activists, and students who have been marginalized, hardworking, and talented.
As a Union, ZINASU’s mission is to empower and support all students who share our values and our commitment to social justice, equality, and human rights. We stand ready to provide resources, guidance, and mentorship to any student who seeks to make a positive impact on their community and the world.